Chakras are spinning energy centers throughout your body. Whether they are open or blocked affects your health in many ways. The chakras govern certain physical, emotional and mental characteristics. Information stored in chakras reveals details relating to your life.

Toning is rapidly gaining recognition as a simple and effective means of restoring balance, joy and well-being. All the so-called 'lost' civilisations practiced healing through sound in one form or another. The process of toning can be described simply as a vocalised meditation using vowel sounds which is capable of dislodging dense stagnating energy (i.e. fear) and releasing it from our body. In effect, we are utilising the three main healing modalities available to us; light, sound and breath - in essence what we are made of. We use energy to move energy.
The human body is a perfect musical instrument designed to receive and transmit energy vibration. Our every cell is surrounded by an electromagnetic field which transmits a frequency particular to its energetic composition. The effect of dissonant frequencies such as negative thoughts, words or loud noises, is an imbalance and depletion of energy. Holding these energies in our bodies eventually causes cell mutation and ultimately, disease.